domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

From Don Juan to Sexual Vampirism

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From Don Juan to Sexual Vampirism, it is an essay on the amorous behavior of two types of people. One of them is Don Juan. People, who fit this type, are characterized by being seductive with language. They talk about the physical attributes of their "victim" to control it. They after conquering the other person, leave it without moral or ethical remorse.
The other type of people is the sexual vampire. They are characterized by conquering with knowledge. They are people of intellectual life. They interact with important people. These attributes are used by them to arouse the curiosity of the "victim". They become interesting for the other person. When they reach their conquest, they also lose interest in the other person

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Other books of the author:
In Spanish 

Quiero Volar
Imaginaria de la Exageración
Del Donjuanismo al Vampirismo Sexual
La Edad de la Langosta
La Clavícula de los Sueños
El Moderno Concepto de Comunicación
Sociosemántica de la Amistad
Quince Escritores Colombianos
De Escritores para Escritores
Territorios de la Muerte
Territorios de Muerte
Años de Langosta
Diez Cortos Animados
El Orbe Llamador
Guayacán Rojo Sangre
Virtuales Sensaciones
Magia: Símbolos y Textos de la Magia
Oscares al Desnudo
Alfarero de Cuentos
El Abogado del Presidente
In English
From Don Juan to Sexual Vampirism
The Imaginary of Exaggeration
The Clavicle of Dreams
I Want to Fly 
Próximamente se anunciarán más títulos.
More titles will be announced soon.

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