domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Dr. House Syndrome

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Dr. HOUSE SYNDROME is an essay on a type of psychopathic behaviour in some people. It is characterized by the person's unconscious ability to avoid an emotional condition as if it was a physical ailment. These people do not know why they behave well. This is due to dissociation between the cerebral hemispheres. The right brain performs processes bypassing the rationality of the left brain.

People with this syndrome have great ability to lie, deceive others. They are always evasive before any questioning about them. They believe feel a physical ailment, but this is only a confused sensation produced by their emotional condition. They are become addicted to drugs as a way to alleviate their discomfort. They develop great ability to manipulate others. These persons become unhappy, unfulfilled, lonely and with a knack for simulation.

Perhaps you are a person with the Dr. House Syndrome and you not know it. Maybe in your environment you have people with the syndrome and not know recognize them. Here, we explore the symptoms of psychopathic behaviour and potential factors of its genesis. To facilitate understanding of this behaviour, it is taken as an example the main character in the television show “House M.D."

Páginas del Autor:

Otros libros del autor:
En Español 

Quiero Volar
Imaginaria de la Exageración
Del Donjuanismo al Vampirismo Sexual
La Edad de la Langosta
La Clavícula de los Sueños
El Moderno Concepto de Comunicación
Sociosemántica de la Amistad
Quince Escritores Colombianos
De Escritores para Escritores
Territorios de la Muerte
Territorios de Muerte
Años de Langosta
Diez Cortos Animados
El Orbe Llamador
Guayacán Rojo Sangre
Virtuales Sensaciones
Magia: Símbolos y Textos de la Magia
Oscares al Desnudo
Alfarero de Cuentos
El Abogado del Presidente
El Confesor
La Fortaleza 
Tribunal Inapelable
 Operación Ameba
In English
From Don Juan to Sexual Vampirism
The Imaginary of Exaggeration
The Clavicle of Dreams
I Want to Fly 
Próximamente se anunciarán más títulos.
More titles will be announced soon.

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