domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Magic: Symbols and Texts of Magic

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Here, the magic is studied in its linguistic and semiotic aspects and is defined as well:

Magic is objectified language and symbols to operate with power over the world by a magician to the particular interest of an user into a community, whose interaction constitutes a system.

The study demands specific and analytical tools as well:

1. The Linguistics and Semiotics to study the expression of magic.
2. The Information Theory and its science involved (Dianetics and Bioenergetics) to show how magical effectiveness is reached.
3. The Theory of Post-modernity to analyze the scenic characteristics of magical ritual. The theatre aesthetics of magic is important for producing emotional reactions toward healing by the magical action.
4. The Theory of Speech Act and Philosophy of Symbolic Forms to show how manages to operate the magic with power over the world and its creatures.
5. The Theory of Discourse to establish the structure of magical discourse.
6. The Theory of Symbols to establish the symbolic structure of magic.

Pages Author:

Other author's books:

In Spanish  

Quiero Volar
Imaginaria de la Exageración
Del Donjuanismo al Vampirismo Sexual
La Edad de la Langosta
La Clavícula de los Sueños
El Moderno Concepto de Comunicación
Sociosemántica de la Amistad
Quince Escritores Colombianos
De Escritores para Escritores
Territorios de la Muerte
Territorios de Muerte
Años de Langosta
Diez Cortos Animados
El Orbe Llamador
Guayacán Rojo Sangre
Virtuales Sensaciones
Magia: Símbolos y Textos de la Magia
Oscares al Desnudo
Alfarero de Cuentos
El Abogado del Presidente
El Confesor
La Fortaleza 
Tribunal Inapelable
 Operación Ameba
In English
From Don Juan to Sexual Vampirism
The Imaginary of Exaggeration
The Clavicle of Dreams
I Want to Fly 
Próximamente se anunciarán más títulos.
More titles will be announced soon.

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